Comprehensive Tenant Criminal Background Check Process

Comprehensive Tenant Criminal Background Check Process

A landlord's worst nightmare is renting to someone who seems trustworthy and dependable, only to find out later that they're of poor character and have a criminal background. Once a tenant has signed on the dotted line, they gain legal protection, so it's best to establish a criminal history during the initial screening process.

So what exactly does a tenant criminal background check involve? Read on to learn more about this procedure.

Check Their Identity

If you're considering a tenant, the first stage in the evaluation process is confirming their identity. After all, the rest of the rental applicant screening process is useless if the tenant is using a false identity.

Thankfully, verifying someone's identity in the US is fairly straightforward. If you ask for a copy of a government-issued ID and the applicant's social security number, you'll have enough information to verify who they are. If you can't match up their social security number with the official databases, you shouldn't move on to the next stage of the tenant background screening process.

Check the Criminal Databases

Once you've established that your candidate is who they say they are, you're ready to start checking criminal databases. A mistake landlords often make is not doing a comprehensive search. To do a reliable criminal history check, you'll need to query the national, state, and local criminal databases.

To be extra safe, you should also check the sex offender registry and see if there are any pending charges or arrests in the local court system. If the applicant is a foreign national, you might also need to check overseas criminal databases.

Not All Offenses Are Equal

So, let's say you find out your applicant does have a criminal record. While some landlords simply refuse to rent to anyone with a record, this doesn't always make sense. You should always consider the nature of the offenses you find. If it turns out the applicant was convicted of murder, not renting to them is clearly an easy decision.

But, things like traffic offenses are not particularly serious, so you might not consider them a dealbreaker. Additionally, you should consider the timeframe. An assault charge is serious, but if the incident was 30 years ago, it's less relevant.

In situations like this, you might use your best judgment to decide if the applicant is rehabilitated or not.

Keep the Process Legal

The secure rental process is tightly regulated, so you'll need to make sure your inquiries are legal. For example, your screening process shouldn't discriminate. You absolutely can't apply more stringent requirements to people of a certain ethnicity.

If you're ever in doubt about the legality of your investigations, it makes sense to enlist a professional renter screening service.

Get a Comprehensive Tenant Background Check

The tenant criminal background check process is an essential step in protecting your investment. Through a comprehensive screening, you'll verify you can trust an applicant with your property.

Given the complexity of the process, many landlords choose to outsource the screening process. Are you looking for a meticulous screening service in New Jersey?

PMI North Jersey is here to help. We understand the importance of securing your investment, and we'll work tirelessly to find renters you can trust. Contact us today and let's discuss how we can assist you.
